Events? Networking?










Meaningful events & encounters

Tavata platform offers solutions for arranging events and networking. Forget the hustle, let our platform help you succeed.

Want to hear more?

Live, hybrid and virtual events

Tavata platform can be utilized for all kinds of events. You as an event orga­nizer can choose which of the platform's features you want to use and how you create and cus­tomize your event. Create an event that looks just like you - we will help!

Enable personal branding

On Tavata platform the attendees can bring out them­selves in their profile, in a way they want to. With the help of Tavata, you will open new doors for mea­ningful encounters. Successfull meetings are no longer a matter of chance!

Create new con­nec­tions

It all starts from one meeting. The attendees can find the best contacts for them­selves with the help of our match­making-features and filtered search. With Tavata, networking is easy, fun and efficient!

Allow face-to-face or video meetings

Attendees can book meetings with each other, remote or face-to-face – depending on the nature of the event. Face-to-face meetings will take place in a meeting area at numbered tables. Video meetings take place on Tavata’s platform.

A versatile tool full of opportunities

Tavata offers a user-friendly solution for event organizers to create and manage events, as well as the patricipants to attend the events. It is scalable from small to large. Tavata ensures a successful event experience in different kinds of business events, seminars, webinars and in networking and recruiting events.  Just try it - you’ll love it!

  • Before, during, and after the event
  • Live and virtual features
  • Intelligent matchmaking
  • Easy-to-use web app, without download


Tavata is your key to success

Tavata is free for the event attendees. Event organizers have the opportunity to offer event attendees added value as well as new experiences. Make your event great with Tavata. 


Tavata for event Atten­dees

Recei­ved an event invi­ta­tion? Or just wanting to explore new expe­riences? To get star­ted you only need to sign up and create a profile. Signing up is free. Follow us for upco­ming events!

Tavata for event Orga­nizers

Make your event great with Tavata. Give atten­dees more oppor­tu­ni­ties to connect and expand their busi­ness networks in your events with our networ­king featu­res, or orga­nize the entire event on Tavata plat­form!

Tavata in social media


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Public events

More public events can be found from Public events -page.

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