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Develop your personal brand – these tips will help you get started!

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about self-branding but what is a personal brand? How could you brand yourself and the company you represent? How is branding enabled in Tavata platform?

Personal brand in a nutshell

 Brand is the impinstagram-g5d0088f22_1920.jpgression a person or a   company gives of itself. Along with   companies, people also have a brand,   personal brand, which means the totality of   a person’s reputation and image. A   personal brand includes all the information   related to a person.

 Personal brand can be divided into   personal/private brand and professional brand. Professional brand brings out a person’s professional skills and education. Personal/private brand focuses on who you are and what kind of qualities you have. These two different kinds of brands are combined in a good personal brand: personal/private brand bringing humane features into professional brand. This creates a whole and reliable personal brand.

You can affect into your own personal brand with your actions: for example, how we communicate with other people in conversations and different digital platforms effects on other’s mental image of ourselves, to our personal brand.

How to begin the development of personal brand and what should you consider during the process?

Back to basics

Creating a brand starts always with a few basic questions: what makes you? What do you want to accomplish and what do you wish to be known for? What are your values? What are your strengths? How do you differ from others?

These questions will help you get started with creating your personal brand. When these things are crystal clear for you, your brand will be based on who you genuinely are, and you are also creating a clear vision of yourself to others.

Who is your target audience?

Tavata-tablet.jpgAlso consider your target audiences in the beginning of your personal brand’s development. Who are you communicating to? What do you want to achieve? Perhaps you want a specific job and want to give as wholesome picture of your experience, skills and of yourself as possible. Maybe you have a company of your own and you are looking for cooperation partners. Whatever the case, consider the needs, wishes and values of the audience you are communicating to. What kind of message would best reach your audience? Effectively communicate a solution directly to the audience’s need/problem. This way also you are much more likely to get pleasant results for yourself.


What can you do in practice?

Social media is nowadays one of the most important ways to create brand image for both person and a company. LinkedIn and Twitter are the most common and used professional social media channels and you do want to put some effort on them. Nevertheless, it is advisable to maintain a clean presence on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media channels as well, or to set them on private and keep your followers limited to your inner circle.

In addition to posting into your own webpage or social media channels, participate into public conversations on social media, specifically regarding your own industry. This way you can add your visibility and conspicuousness even more.

Also take part in events in your field and be active. Different kinds of events, be they virtual or live, are great opportunities to network and create brand image of yourself. Use different kinds of networking tools, such as Tavata, for creating connections. Networks can open opportunities you did not even know existed!


Branding in Tavata

tavata-right-people.jpgTavata makes fluent networking possible in all events, virtually or   face-to-face. To ensure agile networking and arranging meetings in   events, update your Tavata profile. Your profile is what other participants can see of you and which they contact you based on. It is also possible to create your profile according to your personal   brand. Alternatively, you can update your profile to be a company’s   profile and to introduce and brand your company as well.

 Tavata brings the exact right contacts to you easily and conveniently!   Begin networking today!


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